Am I having a stroke?
Can't tell if an unreasonable entitled comment, or a sarcastic comment.
Maybe both? (눈_눈)
Your doctor stared at you as if they were going to throw back a couple more vicodin?
Poe's Law, some people actually believe what you're saying.
/s exists for a reason on the internet, where toneless text reigns supreme.
I'm 2 months late, but...
I mean, of course they do! Austerity starves working class folk, and leaves them desperate.
Desperate people, largely, don't have the energy, time, the means to fight for better labour conditions, better wages, better insurance, better benefits, or really anything. Starving people don't have the means to fight.
That is... until people have nothing to lose, then the gravity-powered socio-political equalizers come out.
Atomic and declarative. Which is way cooler.
If we're asking what people mean when they use those descriptors, then you're correct.
However, literally speaking, in this context, immutable only means read-only, and atomic only means that updates are applied all-at-once or not at all (no weird in-between state if your update crashes halfway through).
The rest of the features (rollbacks, containerization, and immutable meaning full system image updates) are typically implied, but not explicitly part of the definition.
I'm not entirely sure I believe that isn't what "talking with each other" is. How are those two fundamentally different things?
Because when I talk in person with friends and family, it's mostly just us sharing our opinions and observations back and forth.
I'm only peripherally aware of the SCP community, but I really enjoy browsing the stories... what's fallen apart about it?
I believe it's a chameleon.