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[–] TEKUMS 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I got like 40 hours into MGSV and I just got burnt out on it. I feel that going back I would probably have a better time but the first time I was obsessively doing the side missions and it just killed it for me.

[–] TEKUMS 4 points 2 years ago

Yeah, the same thing happened to me. I was taking my pace but it took me so long to get anything done that eventually it just fizzled out for me. I don't think I made it half way through the story and at this point I don't think I can go back and play it because it seems like such a chore.

[–] TEKUMS 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I don't understand this obsession with 'architectural disconnect' argument, who cares if it doesn't look the same as the surrounding buildings. It's just another tool for NIMBY's to use to shut down progress, personally I love it the mix and match of buildings architecture, it makes traveling through cities visually interesting! I don't want this strange suburban hell where all buildings are copy-pasted all over the place, let your areas have some variety

[–] TEKUMS 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I really enjoyed Shadow Gambit's integration of save scumming into the gameplay loop. Took me a minute to realise that the bell ringing wasn't auto saving but letting you know you could make another save but after that I really enjoyed it. Super curious to see how the different characters interact with eachother!

[–] TEKUMS 1 points 2 years ago

Yeah, they are so good at finding the things I like about other genres and distilling them to perfection. Got me to install Anno again lol but for sure getting this day one.

[–] TEKUMS 8 points 2 years ago (2 children)

The more I hear about this the more I'm shocked that this death trap was allowed to operate at all! It seems on the level of that bear suit guy, super dyi energy but with no real use case.

[–] TEKUMS 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I doubt he would listen to anyone, and it seems like there was no plan at all to conceal the fact that they just wanted to kill all the apps and push users to the official one.

This whole lie about 'we only want to make money on people using our data for AI' is bullshit and they know it, they could have easily locked down the API and then charged different rates for different companies depending on their intended use. But lumping it all in the same cost structure let's them get away with killing apps entirely.

[–] TEKUMS 1 points 2 years ago

It's decent enough for now. For sure feels like an alpha, but I can't wait for Sync to port over I've been using it since 2012 so it's been tough to migrate to a new platform/app.

[–] TEKUMS 2 points 2 years ago

From what I remember it that is true, he let another developer give it a shot since he had no interest/experience in IOS development. Maybe he'll do it again and a more dedicated developer will be able to complete the port this time.

[–] TEKUMS 1 points 2 years ago

Hopefully, even though it's smaller, it feels more connected. I think that's what I was missing from the outer worlds, it just felt so did jointed. I should Go back and give it another go though.

[–] TEKUMS 3 points 2 years ago

Yeah that's the only thing on the list that I could see a possible improvement in performance in. I'm waiting on a good price for an x3d and I'm coming from an 5600x. Outside of that there won't be much of an improvement anywhere.

[–] TEKUMS 6 points 2 years ago

lol I'll wait and see, but 'fewest bugs' in a Bethesda game isn't exactly inspiring confidence the way they probably assumed it would.

Very curious if this is enough of an engine overhaul to make it a little bit more stable in general.

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