Yeah, I remember when my step dad has a period he believed this. He would find ways to tune music back to how it's "supposed" to sound. Everything sounded horribly out of tune, but he'd just say it's because we've all become so used to listening to music the "bad" way.
Jesus christ, where do I even begin? I have parents who are conspiracy nuts, so this'll be quite a list. There's a difference between my mom, step dad, and oldest little brother, though, as two of them believe in more occult crap.
Well, here we go...
- Chemtrails. Also HAARP. For some reason "they" are constantly trying to control the weather. Somehow it involves better controlling the population. There was also the idea that Chemtrails seeded clouds to then rain chemicals onto people that'll keep them complacent and controlled.
- During the Syrian mass immigration crisis; "they" are trying to replace us with a more complacent population to control us better.
- Vaccines are a scam to create a more complacent population, or is a means of population control, or is transhumanism and transhumanism is bad.
- By extention, COVID-19 exists only as a scare tactic. A frightened, scared population is a complacent population more easily controlled.
- Global warming is a scare tactic, and same as COVID-19, exists only keep the population scared and complacent.
- Most wars, especially the "war on terrorism" by George W. Bush, is a scare tactic.... Yadda yadda complacent, controlled, etc...
- NATO is an expansionist, imperialist organisation to consolidate all power in one place for better control. It forces members to join it either through coercion or passive aggressive pressure. Russia only defending itself.
- The military (which military?) has far more advanced technology than what's available to the public. Such as anti-gravity drones and thought suppression antennas.
- Every action, event, political decision, election, or organisation is always caused by a shadowy group of people who are the ones really in control of everything. A shadow government. They control truly everything, and their actions are done in order... To... Control........ Everything... Yeah, not a really thought out one, this one is. But the basis for all the other conspiracies, and the "they" or "them" always refers to this.
- The Rothschild family is part of "them", the most powerful family in all of history! (probably forgot about the Hapsburgs).
- They will never give true medicine to the world, as a means of keeping the population controlled. All medicine exists to keep you reliant on them.
- Homeopathy is the medicine "they" don't want you to use.
- "They" are hoarding ancient, advanced technology.
- "They" are suppressing archeology, in case any "true" history comes to light, such as those involving highly advanced precursor races.
- The Smithsonian museum is hiding skeletons and archaeological findings that don't fit with "established, mainstream archeology", such as skeletons of a giant, highly advanced precursor race. Yes, they like David Icke. How could you tell?
- There are ways of generating free energy that "they" don't want you to know, but ancient civilisations did. Such as the Egyptians who built pyramids as huge power plants. They're either plasma fusion plants, pizo-electric generators producing energy from Earth's vibrations, or some kind of funny triangular rock that in its exact configuration can generate power from the Earth's lay-lines.
There's probably a lot more, but I'm tired of typing all this out.
Only if you want to regard one of the worse NuTrek series as canon.
In TNG Data is known about in both the Klingon and Romulan empire, and throughout TNG the impression that Dr. Soong was a genius who's work is nearly impossible to replicate was really high. So the Romulan just couldn't make someone like Data.
If only that currency wasn't rife with techbros, scammers, and techbro scammers.
Maybe on the keyboards. But as much as everyone is talking about sending CEOs to the guillotines, nobody is actually doing it. It's just angry posting and venting on social media in between regular dull life moments.
The Helldiver in me is getting restless...
Yes... Obviously... Not what I meant.
That's the most punk looking animal I've ever seen.
What's the source of the video on the left?
I mean... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who knew this was going to be a cringe edgelord action trope movie when it was announced for the very first time. Then when the trailer dropped it only helped reinforce that idea.
It's not even worth pirating.
Holy crap! No way!
Oh sorry, I just found some loose change someone dropped. The headline... Isn't surprising.
Oh yeah, my parents certainly believe Stargate is created by artists trying casually reveal "the truth", not in a literal sense, but one that is very open to interpretation. Somehow (and especially to my mom) if some artist, like a singer or a writer, creates something that is adjacent to her beliefs she'll feel validated about them.
The tech being drip-fed into the public is also one, connected directly to the one where "the military" has super advanced technology.
And same with water. My parents already believe in homeopathy, and everything that comes with it. So water has a special "memory" that can somehow be imprinted and change its properties. Same goes with influencing water with sound or light.
And of course, they have INSANE distrust for doctors. Or literally anyone in a professional position. I think, with their beliefs, if you're in a professional position you're part of the system that hides and lies to the population, a mandate of "them" in control, to keep everyone stupid and complacent. So anyone in a professional position is an enemy, a malicious entity out to get you.