I thought that was just the default state?
I just couldn't get into Last Epoch. Can't really put a finger on why, since other ARPGs grabbed me that are not that dissimilar...
Just got into lilypond recently and the output is really high quality. It is clear a lot of care went into its design.
Happens to the best of us!
The paper that this references is well worth a read as it goes into quite a bit more detail and highlights the difficulty they had with XRD, which there article glosses over. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/1945-7111/ad88a8/pdf
Good spot. Took me a while to find it!
Ah, I see this was the grand plan to make the UK vegan! Just make it so that we only have "high quality" meat that wouldn't even meet our safety standards.
Pizzas are usually savoury
Yeah, but are you bald everywhere? (Sorry)
Great improvement! I wonder if it is viable for early game speedruns?
I guess you've never made iced tea then