Yes. Now tell that to the republicans.
Carl Bot lets you setup scheduled messages to run once per day, week,month, etc. does that work for you?
If all else fails, do some JavaScript or Python tutorials and learn to make one yourself.
I own a Model Y. It’s a great car, but I don’t think I’d buy another Tesla. I’m hoping by the time I’m in the market for another car, there are viable competitors with a good charging network (most likely will be due to NACS) or the competition has forced Tesla to cut their bullshit and treat consumers better.
You’re misinterpreting what I said and conflating two separate scenarios in your 2nd statement. I didn’t say anything about the system warning “for a few seconds before shutting down” in the event of an eminent collision. It warns the driver before shutting down if the driver fails to hold the steering wheel during normal driving conditions.
The warnings were worthless because the driver kept responding to them just before they timed out and shut autopilot down. It would be even worse if the car immediately pulled off the road and stopped in traffic without warning the driver first.
They aren’t subtle either, after failing to touch the wheel for about 5-10 seconds it starts beeping loudly and flashing an icon on the screen.
This is not a case of autopilot causing an accident, this is a case of an impaired driver operating a vehicle when they should not have been. If the driver was using standard cruise control, would we be blaming the vehicle because their foot wasn’t touching the accelerator when the accident happened? No, we wouldn’t.
I have to say this is extremely inaccurate imo. Self driving takes over the menial tasks of keeping the car in the lane, watching the speed, etc. and allows an attentive driver to focus on more high level tasks like looking at the road ahead, watching the sides of the road for potential hazards, and keeping more aware of their blind spots.
Just because the feature can be abused does not inherently make it unsafe. A drunk driver can use cruise control to more accurately control the vehicle’s speed and avoid a ticket, does that make it a bad feature? I wouldn’t say so.
Autopilot and other driver assist systems are good when used responsibly and cautiously. It’s frustrating to see people cause an accident after misusing the system and blame the technology instead. This is why we can’t have nice things.
I’m not even replying to the article or the original commenter. I’m replying to the person that said “why doesn’t the car slow down and stop when the warnings are ignored?” which is precisely what it does.
I’m far from a Tesla fanboy, and there is no shortage of valid criticisms against Tesla. However, misrepresenting what autopilot does in the event of a forced disengagement isn’t right either.
This is literally exactly how it works already. The driver must have been pulling on the steering wheel right before it gave him a strike. The system will warn you to pay attention for a few seconds before shutting down. Here’s a video:
I’ve always mounted network shares in fstab, what’s the benefit to doing it with systemd?
(Also, for those of you learning, this method only works on systemd-based distros)
Windscribe. Prices are great, unlimited bandwidth, and 1Gbps servers for no additional cost. They have a free tier as well. They’re very privacy focused. Been a customer of theirs for probably like 5-6 years now.
Or as I’ve discovered recently while troubleshooting local infrastructure, the ARP table. Essentially the DNS of IP addressing
Having watched the court case and seen the evidence, I was personally of the opinion that Rittenhouse did act in self defense. I was really hoping he would take his free pass after being acquitted and disappear to go live his life, but it seems like he’s decided to milk his fame and join the party of racists, bigots, and other pieces of shit. Shame.