The secret is both red and blue are establishment parties which seek to help billionaires.
The only difference is the blue parties billionaires are socially conscious, so they'll act progressive, but won't rock the boat economically.
The secret is both red and blue are establishment parties which seek to help billionaires.
The only difference is the blue parties billionaires are socially conscious, so they'll act progressive, but won't rock the boat economically.
Yeah same! Thought what's Mint got to do with... Ah right, the Linux Sub
Tell you what Nicole is really dedicated to making friends on here. Messaged just about everybody, with multiple accounts even. Definitely nothing suspicious about that /s
The fact that they're still doing this means people are falling for it, and I feel sorry for those people, cause this scam is clearly designed to prey on those who feel lonely and are too naive to know better
Was about to comment almost exactly this.
His "experts" are all cronies - and they're not even slightly interested in the plight of the people, including the retirement prospects of 71 year old Mrs. Redlich.
Having any faith that Trump's administratiom will do anything except line their wallets with tax payer money and do their upmost to fuck over Ukraine is morbidly stupid.
I don't think appeasement is the right word, as that would imply Trump is actually trying to help Ukraine rather than trying to slowly create a narrative to justify abandoning Ukraine to Russia.
The worst part is I would bet Zelensky is keenly aware of what Trump is up to, but knows any attempt to distance from Trump would only make it easier for Trump to justify abandoning his people to the wolves.
Honestly feel horrible for Zelensky. Imagine having to sit there and be shouted down to by two men so obviously and utterly corrupt that they consider helping your country fight off tyranny to be a favour, as though that isn't what the Western world should be doing by default.
New Zealand's a bit small for that isn't it?
A game with actual gambling disguised as a loot system - perfectly fine, PEGI 3+
A game that depicts gambling but has no actual gambling in it - absolutely fucking NOT, PEGI 18+
I can understand why PEGI would be hesitant to give a game depicting gambling a rating of 3+...
But putting it as 18+, on the same level as actual, real money gambling games is ridiculous.
It shows a complete lack of awareness regarding the difference in danger between depiction of gambling vs actual gambling. And perhaps more dangerously means malicious publishers (cough EA cough) are able to get away with slipping disguised real money gambling into their games (and in front of children eyes) unnoticed.
For some reason I get a small feeling that Trump's interests don't exactly align with that of the people /s
As @[email protected] said, that address was never meant for the people.
Those are essentially mutually exclusive...
If someone wants to argue with you, and you want to disengage, you have to accept that you're not going to get the last word in no matter how many times you say "don't argue with me" - cause you can't control what they can say afterwards.
This is especially true, and comes off as childish, when you're the one that baited that argument in the first place with "your piece".
Similar to @[email protected], I suspect I'm lacking some context here, but based purely on what I can see in this post, you came across as rather childish. I'm inclined to say YDI/BPR.
While I do agree that rule should have applied to Cowbee too, that doesn't give you carte-blanche to do the same.
Also, confronting someone you know to be a troll in an intentionally inflammatory manner, then getting annoyed that they chose to argue with you is like waving a red flag in front of a bull and being surprised it charged at you...
You baited that argument, so I don't have much sympathy for you in that regard.
According to multiple sources, Reeves earns ~£150K a year. After taxes that'll work out to ~£80-90K a year, which should work out at about £6500-7500 a month.
Openly accepting bribes is terrible enough, but when you're in the top 10% of wages in the country, it's so much worse.