
joined 3 years ago
[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

How do you feel about Arc<Mutex>? Personally, I just put every variable in an Arc Mutex to make my life easier.

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 56 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Then some jerk runs rustfmt and ruins all your hard work!

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 6 points 4 days ago (4 children)

What do you use instead?

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I doubt we will and I suspect it was a symbolic gesture from us to begin with.

Does anyone know if any money was actually spent?

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 3 points 6 days ago

So many greebles!

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 2 points 1 week ago

Amazing! Thanks for that. I didn't know this was actually available to play with.

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

They just keep innovating! Amazing!!!

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 35 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Joining a defense initiative with someone who wants to take us over sounds like a bad idea.

But, if it was Europe asking, maybe.

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 8 points 1 week ago

Good. The while thing felt like a scam to begin with.

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 4 points 2 weeks ago

We can direct all we want and it won't do anything. Frankly, the voters in the USA made it clear they're not interested in working together with anyone. Trump supporters have been told for at least a decade how terrible he is, but they were more interested in listening to fox news. A whole group of absentee voters chose not to vote Harris over some vague ideas around Palestine, despite being told Trump would make it worse. Then there's everyone else who couldn't get off their ass to vote despite being told this was existential.

My heart does go out to the good people who did vote and are trying to change things. I'm on your side and I wish you well. But I'm sorry to say that there are a lot of people who deserve the shit that's coming. I'm tired of trying to "work together" through the first trump administration, through COVID, through the trucker convoy, through all the free speech bullshit, through all the reduction in women's rights and healthcare, through the reduction in trans rights, etc. Nazi punks fuck off!

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 3 points 2 weeks ago

They also claim to be the solution to high prices and yet we have the most expensive insurance in the country. Conservatives are fucking stupid.

[–] TheAgeOfSuperboredom 18 points 2 weeks ago

Of course he does. He's never had a real job.


Looks like it's out of beta.


From the article:

Within the restricted zones are hundreds of oil and gas facilities. One open-pit coal mine in the Rockies is before the provincial regulator and the expansion of another has already been approved. Much of the area has been extensively logged.


I'm starting to get into this band and I'm liking them so far!


In honor of Skinny Puppy's final tour, here's a video that's apparently from one of their earlier tours.

One of my favourite bands!


I love the way HEALTH mixes melodic vocals with some cool noise.

Theremin | Covenant (
Spike Hellis (

I like this album. I've heard they put on a really good live show too.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by TheAgeOfSuperboredom to c/[email protected]

Does anyone know if the grievance is legitimate?

I just got the game and I'm not familiar with the history here, but I am using the original mod in question. I did verify the files as well and they are indeed the same.

I'm not even sure how to see if Donation Points are enabled on a particular mod or author's account.

I don't mind mod authors getting some kickback if that's an option, but taking someone else's work is rather poor.

Edit: Looks like this mod was now taken down.

Edit: There's a forum post from the author of the mod in question that mentions talking to the Nexus staff.

Hopefully this was all just a bit of unnecessary drama.

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