How did it go?
I like to point out that cows don’t vote.
Horses are a traditional and conservative mode of travel. They should return to that.
I love Röyksopp Profound Mysteries. There are several albums. The songs with Susanne Sundfør are amazing.
We had one at our local airport last year. It’s an amazing machine and was super well maintained. It travels with a crew including mechanics. It was doing some nearby tower work. The airport manager is a friend of mine so we got to get up close and personal with it and the crew.
VAST has such good music.
It reminds me of World War II submarine controls.
And yet, he still holds on to his claims. He needs some real deprograming.
Impressive, maybe!? Crazy? Absolutely! The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
We visited there a few years ago. It is a stunningly beautiful place.
I’m late 50’s and so is my wife. My parents are gone but hers are all MAGA all the time. She hasn’t talked to them much in years. It’s not just younger adults but older ones as well. I still have trouble comprehending what has happened.