That's concerning... I don't follow instance drama, but if that's even half true I'll switch. Have a source that I can read?
drones don't need precision they are a terror weapon...
Dr. Pepper is clearly the best, really not sure why they make anything else...
My only problem with out of context comics is that I do want to know the context, often it's just as batshit...
anyway this if from jungle comics #4: Mystery of the Jungle Woman: Fantomah
the millennial, working two jobs to afford rent...
The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point
It was capitalism all along...
I've never understood it the other way around, you definitionally have to have your cake to eat it.
What one wants to do is eat the cake and then still have it...
No lie, I actually really love the concept of Microsoft Recall, I've got the adhd and am always trying to retrace my steps to figure out problems i solved months ago. The problem is for as useful as it might be it's just an attack surface.
I've been meaning to do a rewatch, what episode (a vague description I could look up myself is enough).
He suffers because of his actions, but thinks he deserves it, so he never changes them.
I really tried with Avatar, but the CGI is too cartoony, the second one is the worst because they have billy the human boy interacting with these cartoon characters for half the movie which just makes the uncanny valley deeper.
Its not looking unreal that's the problem its how hard it tried to be realistic and still failed.