Fight for yourself? Or is that also impossible? People don't know the power they have together, and the elites won't give up peacefully. Most western people could do something, they just don't want to or are ignorant of how they could act. The only real problem is that capitalists who control everything will try to stomp out any organisation of things (such as unions or protests), which is why force and/or non-cooperation is needed.
Most people just don't care enough to do anything about injustice, or don't think about it at all. It's infuriating to see how apathetic and irresponsible people can be. Just look at the meat industry. People could stop, but they don't. They only care that their virtue is signalled and that the suffering is far enough detached and out of sight so that they don't have to face it and actually self-reflect on their cognitive dissonance or flaws. What's worse is that eating meat is often culturally engrained, and so similar to religious indoctrination, even harder to quit. All this, done by years of lobbying of the meat industry and other unethical practices. These problems of injustice are deep-rooted in our society, and entitlement/lack of empathy. The arguments used for factory farming these days are the same slavers used in the past, and even now it is just transferred elsewhere so that people can be exploited all for a cheaper product to consume.
Things get even sadder when you realise that all the injustice in the world is for nothing but ego or extreme selfishness. I honestly think it's a large reason people still believe in religion. When you face the injustice in the world and become aware of it, you either have to ignore it/find a way to cope or actually do something. As long as people remain ignorant, uneducated and don't have empathy for others, this will continue.
Right wing politician claiming to care about men's rights and sexism? Sure. This is just another attempt to distract people from the real problems within the government. There should be a single social equalities minister, which is what the role already is, really. It just so happens that misogyny is literally everywhere in the world and that men (as a man myself) are advantaged in numerous ways. Imagine being a woman in Pakistan.
There are some social stigmas and problems from cultural beliefs, such as the idea 'men don't feel' and other bs, but in truth anyone with a brain realises how invalid these arguments are. What we actually need is better education and access to information, so people don't fall into this shit in the first place and can see through the flaws of people around them and not follow into conformism blindly. If anything, the idea of having a male counterpart is just serving to further the divide by continuing to separate people based on superficial qualities. If you really want to end sexism, you need to treat people as equals regardless of sex, and to get others to do the same. It will require lots of activism to do so because far too many people hold discriminatory beliefs towards both sexes that they are taught from a young age and hold emotionally rather than logically.
From what I have observed, so many people claiming to care or talking about 'men's rights' really just have a victim-complex and are very emotionally immature. It's all too often the same people who cry about women being bitches or being shameless onlyfans models. For all the problems women face, it's barely even comparable. That isn't to invalidate sexism against men, but just to mean that they are not even nearly close in terms of discrimination experienced.
My mum is also an author and good friends with Adrian. Never thought I'd see him named in a Lemmy comment section of all places. Small world?
Anyway, I think reading and literacy is an essential skill for everyday life, exploring arts and understanding things to a greater level of comprehension. However, the way it is taught in schools is absolutely monotonous and egregiously boring. I recently finished my GCSEs and even though school was incredibly easy for me, I almost had no motivation to do my own independent revision or study for literature. The structure of how it is taught and what is taught just sucks. This could really go for the entire school system up until college, but it is exemplified in high school. I love reading, but when it is presented in such a way it becomes a task rather than a thing to enjoy. Far too many people give up on reading because of bad experiences in school, and many people, especially in disadvantaged areas, are surrounded by a culture that is against education/the system in general. The UK is very classist.
Additionally, reading is not just about reading books exclusively. I have read a few books and pieces of work I found enjoyable by myself, especially politically motivated books such as the Grapes of Wrath. But, most of my reading and literary education has come from reading articles/forums online and playing games such as the Witcher or other RPGs. You can learn quite a lot if you are curious and have something to hold your interest. Sure, the dialogue is spoken, but subs are on by default and always a helpful read. Similarly, music can be another way to express or learn about literature. The main takeaway is that reading can be enjoyed in many forms, and I think it is best done in a multitude of ways. Books, articles, games etc. People will find something they enjoy in all categories if given the opportunity.
People would rather just have no accountability, you see.
Even if he was 'manipulated' he would be the same person regardless if he wasn't. He is clearly a self-serving person with ego problems. There are no billionaires that aren't fucked up people.
Because the free market is bullshit. It always results in a few major companies hand-shaking and fucking over consumers. Smaller businesses almost never have a chance and are just as easily bought out. To win in this capitalist iteration of society, you have to be the worst and greediest you can be. Add in the fact most people prefer to remain ignorant or are just generally apathetic from years of conditioning, and 'voting with your wallet' rarely really works. You should still do it though of course.
It's not a conspiracy, and it is present across all social media platforms. There is selective enforcement of rules and moderation and now many companies push 'engaging' content, which basically means pressing out and promoting 'safe' content that is easily agreeable or controversial to increase user time so more ads are seen.
On Reddit, it is very similar. Somebody can say something insane, but it is 'just an opinion' meanwhile you call them an idiot, and you get banned by admins. If you even suggest anything 'extreme' you are also getting site banned. It just turns everything into a hive-mind which is dominated by liberals. The fact anyone thinks it is a 'left-wing' platform shows how dumb people are. It's very clear that it is made to drive engagement and show ads to maximise income. These social media companies aren't interested in free speech or fairness. It actively harms genuine engagement because most people just won't even post or comment if they know it is risking a ban or downvote train where they get shit on. It's no surprise the platform is now infested with bots and reposts.
No. He may be influenced by others, but it's clear his ego is just that enormous and that his emotional immaturity makes him do stupid shit impulsively.
Incredibly inflated ego and self-image combined with poor emotional maturity and self-control after a life of entitlement. He said it to piss people off and then came back to eat shit, but unfortunately is also so rich he can throw his money away and have it barely matter.
Even if it isn't exactly true, it definitely feels like it sometimes.
Just not true though. Anything to not be accountable or responsible, I guess. You would only need max 1% of the population anyway. Most people won't stand in your way, and if you have food + a place to live you are good enough for the downtime.