Mate you are talking out of your arse here.
No, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact did not cause or lead to the Holocaust. Jewish people were already being persecuted and sent to concentration camps long before 1939.
Mate you are talking out of your arse here.
No, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact did not cause or lead to the Holocaust. Jewish people were already being persecuted and sent to concentration camps long before 1939.
Suella it's very fucking simple:
Is there a problem with the immigration system and a large influx of migrants? Yes.
Do you need to use dehumanising language like "swarm" and "invasion" implying you'd stop refugees with a gaint can of Raid Insect Repellent? No.
Fascism is right wing social policies, left wing economic policies (National Syndicalism, economic interventionism, etc.).
More accurately the Tories going further right is social-authoritarianism with libertarian economics. Like if Truss and Braverman had a bastard child they emotionally abused into a psychopath ultra-capitalist.
Make a new community: LinBinYourLife
The UN wasn't set up to prevent atrocities like Palestine/Israel.
It was set up to prevent large multi-nation conflicts like WW1 and WW2 by providing a platform for dialogue & diplomacy between multiple countries WITH a standing army acting as a peacekeeping force.
Unfortunately, proxy conflicts like Israel/Palestine still occur.
If you ever feel uninformed about history, remember the comment above exists.
The fucking ghoul.
And then adapted into film during the time of Bush and Blair.
🤞 Please hit parliament 🤞