I felt that in my soul. But I stopped getting carded when I acquired that thousand yard stare one gets when life has been shit enough.
What about random-selection jury-style technocracy?
Why should a supermarket be prohibited from selling it?
Its is because no one should ever admit they have sexual organs? Maybe they should also not sell condoms, tampons, and pads because children might learn that penises and vaginas exist. Oh the humanity!
So here's your two options for doing this:
Phone signal jammer - illegal because you are purposefully interfering over a licensed radio band.
Retrofit all classrooms into a Faraday cage - impractical because ludicrously expensive.
There must be a strong bond between them to go balls deep.
Suella Braverman complaining about the buffet having too much spicy food, whilst trying really hard to convince herself that the cucumber sandwich she's forcing down has flavour.
Sunak boldly proclaiming that he stopped himself from making it a veggie only menu and waiting for the pats on the back.
And Moggy rocking back and forth in the corner pining for his wet nurse now that his only friend BoJo has been grounded.
Next day headlines: National Food Shortage as Lizz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng destroy the buffet table.
Here's some other ideas that'll turbocharge this green transition:
Get the Shetland to Scotland interconnect upgraded so they don't have to keep switching off the turbines because they're generating more power than Shetland consumes and can be transmitted back to the mainland.
Artificial energy islands off the north coast of Scotland to connect large amounts of wind turbines.
Approve and accelerate Viking Link to build out the future energy market with Norway.
Co-design and co-finance huge shared north sea wind farms with Norway.
Significantly increase taxes on capital gains with an exemption for green power investments. Stand back and watch how quickly private capital can move to fund large projects when properly incentivised.
Work with the City (of London) to create funds for people to invest via LISAs, Investment ISAs, and Pensions that fuel a new UK citizen owned green energy company. Stand back and watch as a new generation get wealthy the same way previous ones did when British Gas was privateised. Socilise the risk, socilise the profits.
Fascinating article but that optical illusion study needs to be expanded with a larger sample size and include notes on the preferred orientation.
Well yeah as it should be when applied carefully: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance
I'm from the UK and from the North. Don't try and understand the stupidity of these people from these areas as economically developed as the worst parts of former soviet states now in the EU. These areas received a lot of EU development funding and still voted for Brexit AND the Tories (in 2019) that imposed austerity that made their post 2008 lives worse.
They are thick as mince and deserve the ridicule as much as the lying brexit politicians deserve jail time.
The only hope to not repeating the mistakes is the best quality education for as many people as possible. This hopefully enough of the smart ones from these areas are politically aware and active enough to offset the manipulation of the morons.
The schliefmemen plan.