Nice try, monobot glares suspiciously
Rosguardia has hundreds of thousands of internal soldiers. Assuming their allegiance is to the MoD (and at this point there is no way of knowing), I don't see how Prigozhin could successfully stage the ousting.
If he was really trying to help the Ukrainians the most effective decision would probably be to attack the rear of the Russian lines to allow Ukrainian forces to come through. Wagner units have been off the front for about a month so I don't think it really has any effect on Ukraines ability to break through the lines without the above scenario happening, but nothing Prigozhin has said leads me to think he'd help Ukraine, as he also stated he plans to return to the Frontlines to help defend the motherland against the west after ousting Shoigu.
It's honestly so hard to tell what's happening. Is Prigozin acting in cahoots with Putin to solidify power? Is he being helped by the CIA to institute a coup? Is he just gone nutters and going rogue? Is this just another extreme version of political theatre from him? There are suggestions he's already started walking back some of the comments. Time will tell.
Incorrect title, he has declared they're marching (or planning to) march against Shoigu and oust him from the MoD.
In his statement he specifically states that he thinks the MoD has also misled the President. So his argument is that he is he's trying to help Russia and Putin by getting rid of Shoigu.
FSB has declared a criminal investigation on charges of inciting a coup, and Rosguardia has been put on high alert. Medvedev has stated "all necessary precaution measures have started".
Will be interesting to see what happens next.
FSB has announced they've started a criminal investigation into him.
I wonder if he's in cahoots with the CIA or something?
/r/politics and /r/worldnews are beyond terrible. Just constant propaganda and astro turfing, bots, and just generally brainwashed idiots who take an editorialized headline as fact, and then race to the comments to make a shitty non-constructive joke. And God forbid you try to bring up evidence to counter their arguments, you'll get downvoted to hell if not banned. It really started to become noticable around 2016 after Bernie lost the primaries, and it's only gotten exponentially worse since then.
More is not better. Also if you think Facebook, Meta or the zuck are good people, you haven't been paying attention.
In case anyone was wondering, I'm pro eating the rich btw.
I'm convinced the general reddit population really are just a bunch of adult babies that have become just docile consumers and sycophants. The fact that people complain about how difficult it is to sign up on lemmy/other fediverse instances shows the level of competency these people work at. If you can't put a modicum of effort into the community you're trying to be a part of, it's probably better you're not here anyways. We don't need 200 million people on lemmy for it to be a fun and interesting place to engage with content on. I'd rather have a smaller (than reddit) userbase, with better content and discussion, than the vast wave of karma farmers posted the lowest effort puns to every single article on world news.
Love Northlane btw.
I feel like the pause on rate hikes is to just avoid spooking the market aka investors. Anyone who works in the industry can tell you investors stomp their feet and cry whenever they don't get what they want, and what they want is antithetical to the health of the market, so the Fed has to try and increase rates at a pace that doesn't cause a complete spook/revolt from the investors. But the market is so leveraged I fear 5% may still not be adequate, and we'll need to be at these rates and higher for a much longer time than the investor class wants to tolerate. Inflation won't go down until there is some semblance of wealth redistribution from the large capital holders to normal market actors imo.
They're the type to freeze instead of fight or flight