Rinse, repeat, ad infinitum. Every generation thinks exactly the same way.
It has never worked for me. On any platform. Not one time. I blocked that fucking bot months ago.
"Suspect is not driving a Mercedes, repeat, NOT A MERCEDES"
It will give 9, just like my 89 emulator. It treats division like a fraction. For a TI, the entire denominator of a fraction needs to be in parentheses or you get into trouble.
The order of operations is not part of a holy text that must be blindly followed. If these numbers had units and we knew what quantity we were trying to solve for, there would be no argument whatsoever about what to do. This is a question that never comes up in physics because you can use dimensional analysis to check to see if you did the algebra correctly. Context matters.
I agree that both are excellent 👍
*sees what you did there
One of my favorite podcasts is Knowledge Fight, where a couple of dudes break down Alex's shows and his shitty, relentlessly flawed and often inconsistent opinions and narratives.
Alex seems more and more unhinged lately and it wouldn't surprise me if he eats a bullet or has an oops-I-killed-myself-by-accident kinda event in the not-distant future. Being the type of asshole he is, he will absolutely preemptively blame any apparent suicide on the (((cabal)))/deep state. Gotta pay the grift forward
Do we just not fucking do Rule #3 any more?
#3: Do not request or link to specific pirated titles
Your math is correct.
I ate off of taco trucks daily for years and loved every goddamn delicious bite. That man should be ashamed of his weak, watery bowels.
Good God. Just imagine this incredibly brave Karen's mental anguish when she bit into this delicious but uncute treat and could not immediately unload her bottomless rage on the nearest assistant manager.
The horror. The horror.