This will probably be of limited usefulness, but some people were asking about the export file. All it contains is favorites, filters, and a list of all your subreddits. Once you import it into wefwef, you can then click on each sub to get a list of similar communities which you can then manually subscribe to, one-by-one.
If you can get a list of your subs, you can create your own file to import into wefwef. On desktop you can highlight/copy all the subs from the sidebar.
Tip: ask ChatGPT to format the list for you if you can't write a macro:
Below is a list of my subreddits. Please format like this (remove the "r/"): "gaming","pics"
Subreddit Icon
Subreddit Icon
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Subreddit Icon
Here is the formatted list of your subreddits:
Below are the entire contents of the json file (with most subs removed so you can add your own). I didn't have any filters. Copy this into a text file and save it with the extension ".json", and import into wefwef.
TrueAchievements says 15-20 hrs. It took me 25 to get them all. HLTB agrees with this time for completionist.