Lol until you tried to walk
Yea but isn't AMDs ray tracing performance severely crippled in general? I thought if you want to use ray tracing your far better of buying from team green.
There shouldn't be any additional input lag. DLSS and frame gen have some but to most people it's not noticeable since it's like 10ms.
Sure it will. It will probably run like a 2080 TI or 3070 though. The ray tracing performance of AMD isn't stellar. At least they got their shit together and got a AI rescaler that competes with DLSS.
Waaahhh but I hate Ray TraCing.
The power generating stations near me are still called Power houses.
Absolute legend
No, absolutely not lol. DO NOT get feedback from how Windows behaves on Lemmy.
Lol okay sure. That never happened, oh hey want to buy this portable black hole I've got in my garage?
Source? Never heard of this before.
The heck? So are you like a rebel without a cause in the office then?