Hey lookit! Just like the nazi's! Yall know the Nazi's were tweakin 24/7 dontcha?
joined 1 year ago
As your Canadian brother I say: stay strong, we love you, dont let evil win
Under "stupid evil"
Thars why my table calls it Aweful Good and refuses to include it. No true neutral either except for some eldrich beings
Just imagine a completely average guy, middle of the road, not too smart, not just dumb, a perfect example of average intelligence.... 4 billion of us are dumber than that
Grandpa told me: if you ride it isn't if you have a crash, but when and how bad
Its normal, just dont forget your spouse birthday
I dont think the false vaginas come at all
Oh yea no for clarity he was sniffing it, not any legal use
Yea give presidents immunity, Biden can use it exactly once, and then cancel it all together
Edit spelling
Its a spectrum
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"How do you shoot women.... children?"
Great movie