They also hedge and buy insurance to cover potential defaults and then they write off the bad loan they got stuck with to help offset taxes... So it's kinda good in a way and they want some but it makes business sense to find the right balance to keep regulators happy and make maximum profit.
It is still extremely far from the old days when money lent, was money/gold in the vault
I have a easier time accepting 8% interest charge when someone actually took money out of their pocket to lend me versus a ponzi like scheme with "strict regulatory rules and statistics blah blah loan loss provisions" (which sounds wonderful and for our good and safety).
They make a shit ton of money..
The models are just risk and likelihood based to determine cash requirements and how much they can lend out (way more than cash they have) yet they charge the same fee as if they had the funds.
I'd rather borrow from my grandma and pay her 8% since she deserves it for parting with her money.
Some credit cards offer 2% cash back... (Not points) So it's hard to give that up when you get 2% off for just about every dollar you spend. Why wouldn't you put every dollar on card you would normally spend.
This doesn't work well if you are paying interest...
If you're fiscally savvy and don't overspend and can pay your balance in full every month and are not paying interest, this is a strong vote for choosing over cash.
However, without that....I see no benefit and would use more cash for all reasons in this thread.
Uh, try that and see what happens
They have the upper hand , they will take your assets and sell your debt to collections and the courts will side.
The terms are such that you agree to pay.
What would be better is for everyone to always pay their credit card on time and reap the benefit from cashback rewards on purchases.