Not the EU, at least in my country, it wouldn't be gambling if you can prove that you need a certain amount of dexterity and direct involvement to influence the outcome. You can clearly do this in Balatro. Also, no money is involved.
Now he has an official place to escape if things went to shit.
Be aware that UBI needs to go in hand with other reforms that can finance it, eliminating things like tax evasion via donations, and certain foundations that exploit those
This is a warning sign.
Interpol getting bribes from companies? Nah, that doesn't happen.
Of course the US citizens won't agree with this, so their government has to do it somewhere else, so the US could wash their hands. Funnily enough, last time someone did this, a CEO was murdered to get accountability.
This kind of crap is another level of hypocrisy.
Yeah ok, the "this is the internet, we are all retarded here" that you pray, it's boring already.
So go ahead, keep being a retarded bitch. I'm out.
Of course I'm surprised. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook when thinking of humanity, but still I'm surprised every time I see a person falling this low by their own sheer stupidity. It's beyond belief.
So, any more world shattering revelations?
This is the internet.
Your capacity to represent the obvious astonishes me. This changes everything.
Any more daring hot takes you wanna share? How about water is wet?
La culpa es de los que reclaman? Eso dices?
Let's throw more carbon to the air, what could go wrong. Is not like it will get to our lungs and destroy everything from the inside.