Capitalism will ruin any good opportunities with said technology. Much like every technology that preceeded it.
Not everything works out in life.
What are you saying? That democrats are incapable of resistance against the republicans?
Perhaps the republicans were on the campaign trail with the democrats and they just followed them here?
Where do i sign up for the flash mob?
State level electoral reform
Hey that's our job!
Bullshit. Electoral reform in the blue states must happen. Red states as well but we all know republicans stance on more democracy.
Democrats have lost their "we are the only people resisting the republicans" privilege. They should have lost it long ago but we sure gave em every chance we could. No more chances, no more safe states/seats.
This shouldn't be hard to pass. Alaska already has a Ranked choice voting system. Plus Democrats are huge democracy supporters... right?
Videos on Electoral Reform
First Past The Post voting (What most states use now)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
Do: Valheim
Watch: Person of Interest
Listen: Now playing The Cure - Songs of a Lost World