Not this stupid shit again...
I don't care if they're excited or not, they need to do their civic duty and vote for the candidate that will be best for the country. I don't need you to fall in love, I need you to do your job.
"The amount of times she told me that stupid 'I have protest signs older than you in my basement' shit," Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a text that's cited in the book. "Like yeah but mine don't collect dust."
Because broken as they are, people still come first before AI. Or they should, anyway.
If this country actually goes for Trump a second time, then fuck the lot of you. You get what you deserve. I'll be fine, but I'll be done worrying about the rest of you. If you're that fucking stupid then you deserve what you get.
That's the most selfish shit. That's people you're talking about burning to the ground.
Just an odious little turd who thinks trolling is a valid substitute for a personality or a platform.
What odds are you giving? Because honestly I'd take that bet. Mitt fucking despises Trump.
In what universe would Trump be a better alternative?
What, did he push her off of him?