As well they should. Not that he had any chance of winning there anyway, but it's the right thing to do regardless.
How entirely expected.
They don't want to govern, they want to rule.
The takeaways should be that nobody gives a shit because these are the also-rans. The Republican nominee will be Trump, and then they're gonna be fucked because he'll be campaigning from jail.
Oh... no...?
Fuck's sake, what a stupid thing to get hung up over.
Not even half, just a very loud, violent, ignorant minority.
As a North Carolinian, I can report that our state judiciary is a joke and we're gerrymandered to fuck and back, so there's very little hope of fixing it anytime soon. Odds of Trump being kicked off the ballot here are infinity to one against.
This corrupt idiot has no business being a judge. But whatever, she's a sideshow. He's fucked in NY and GA. If she wants to make her name synonymous with "bought and paid for stooge" in a vain attempt to shield the orange idiot from the consequences of his own actions, let her.
That dude just flat needs his ass kicked.