Wrong franchise, but... paging Admiral Ackbar
That's right, shut your fat mouth and keep it shut you festering sack of crap.
Is this a trick question?
Oh hell no. I've seen how he manages his money. Like fuck I'm letting him anywhere near mine.
Turns out being a collaborator is hazardous to your health.
More like Atari Jaguar or the 3DO. Absolute trash.
Meet the new boss...
That's fair. I'd probably be a lot more motivated to leave if I had kids to think about.
There are fewer protests these days because people are catching on that they don't accomplish dick. As to leaving, people have families. Not just their immediate family but think aunts, uncles, cousins. It's not trivial to leave all that behind and move somewhere where you know no one and have no support structure, and maybe you don't even speak the language. And to even consider it, you've got to have the time and money to expend on moving, and your destination country has to agree to let you in. It's not a simple undertaking.
I was under the impression that those sweetheart deals were getting hard to come by, but I don't work bids.
I hope he runs for senate next time a seat comes up.
Dude should probably get to work arranging his next gig as a Fox "News" contributor.