Jeez, if you can't make money off of defense industry contracts, you should probably just hang it up.
joined 2 years ago
So, "wake up sheeple", basically?
It ain't easy bein' cheezy.
Moribund Old Bastards
It's a bold move, Cotton
Honestly can't blame you.
What do we need to do to get him to remove it from America?
That's the problem with representative democracy. You get enough idiots voting and they'll elect compatible representation.
Wow, that's so many G's!!
As if you would even know.
What else is there to do but accept it? It isn't like our politicians have the will to do anything about it. Peaceful protest falls on deaf ears. The gun crazies would gladly die in a blaze of glory rather than be disarmed. The country is awash in guns and ammunition. So please do tell, oh wise outsider, what the hell a normal person is supposed to do about it?