
joined 9 months ago
[–] Uterusofsteel 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I wonder if her sister will be joining her on her birthday trip.

[–] Uterusofsteel 13 points 1 month ago (2 children)

She actually bought it, but it still comes off tone deaf. She got an idea and spent almost $400 on it by the afternoon. Are her followers able to spend that much on an impulse buy? She doesn't even know if it's actually going to work for her.

[–] Uterusofsteel 7 points 1 month ago

Honestly, I'm rooting for the Commanders at this point. And ugh, they could never properly appreciate NoLa. I think the culture shock would kill them. PoC AND spice in the food?! Just please stay away from things I love 😭😂

[–] Uterusofsteel 13 points 1 month ago (7 children)

IS SHE CRYING BECAUSE SHE'S AN OH SO SPECIAL EAGLES FAN?! I legit cannot. Ma'am you will NEVER be an NFL fan. I don't care what people have told you or said. I was born in it. Raised in it. Live it. My dad has a football podcast for crying out loud. I build parlays with my 11 yr old (who started playing football at FIVE). I live in Chicago. One of the biggest sports markets out there. I wear my Saints stuff all the time, and nobody gives a shit. NOBODY CARES THAT YOU ARE WEARING EAGLES GEAR.

Rant over. I'm just so annoyed lol

[–] Uterusofsteel 8 points 1 month ago

She went out to have coffee with another rando instead.

[–] Uterusofsteel 7 points 1 month ago

I don't wanna give her ideas, but I just got this ad.

[–] Uterusofsteel 8 points 1 month ago

Squat motivation tbh.

[–] Uterusofsteel 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

She gave herself a big booty too lol

[–] Uterusofsteel 14 points 1 month ago (3 children)

She said that every time she mentions a cat, they get adopted. So she thinks it's all her doing and she's magical. She's really delusional. I agree. I'm glad the cats are getting adopted, but I doubt it's all because of her.. surely, it can't be the tireless work of the volunteers and the organization.

[–] Uterusofsteel 11 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Oh god. my eyes rolled so far back, I saw my soul. She's obnoxious as hell. Her candy cane saga irked me so much. She said she knew it wasn't technically allowed but she didn't think they would ACTUALLY enforce it. Gasp. She's a spoiled brat like Sarah and you can tell her whole family's life has to revolve around her and moods

[–] Uterusofsteel 12 points 2 months ago (3 children)

She lost some weight but weight loss and Ozempic don't get rid of cellulite. It's still filters. She's out of control. I don't care if she's on ozempic, she probably is. I was too. What infuriates me is her skin didnt become smooth and lifted with weight loss and age. She's setting a standard that isn't realistic for anybody.

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