"Well guess that was dumb of you then. Bye." I know this is hard as he's your dad, but sometime you just need to walk away. I've not spoken to 90% of my family in over 20 years due to narcissistic, selfish behavior. Your peace is far more important then any relationship. I wish you luck and hope you can figure out a solution.
"Well, if you helped me pay off this debt then you should have some sort of proof. No? Well then, guess it didn't happen."
I had a stroke on November 19th. Unum denied my claim for augmented income. ($5,000) for bills and expenses while in recovery and unable to work). Their reason was that I didn't prove with the 8 sworn statements, medical records, and MRI imaging that I had a life altering condition that caused me to miss work.
Go stand in the street and flip off the CIA satellite overhead. I'm ready.
How very Republican.
In the time we live in, all Onion article headlines could easily be real and all real headlines could be from the Onion.
Hope they get exactly what they voted for.
Going offline on Jan 1st. For at least 4 years. If things get bad enough even after doing that, then I'll take it further.
New Years Resolutions are a complete and total waste of time and energy. If you want to improve an aspect of you life, just do it. An arbitrary date on a calendar isn't going to make that more or less likely to succeed.
"Grab as much cash as you can before the dumpster fire consumes us all."
I've said this whole time he never would be punished. Even if he didn't win, this was always going to be the outcome.