
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Thank you! I grabbed Citizen Sleeper and looks like Wildfrost was already redeemed.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago

If "Sitting Near Larry" was a genuine and honest show, I'd watch the hell out of it.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

This was my barrier of entry. As someone who put around a combined 1k hours in the Souls games, it wasn't until I treated the game differently than Souls did I finally start to make progress. Same thing happened with the aggressive, faster pace of Bloodborne.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

When I worked returns in retail, we had to write why the product was being returned. My favorite was a vacuum cleaner because "It doesn't suck."

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Very early, aprox. 1 hour of playing (also somewhat inebriated), impressions.

First thought was that I love seeing more heavy metal representation in rhythm games. I feel outside of the old Guitar Hero and Rock Band series, rock and metal have been underrepresented in the rhythm games I have known of.

Second, despite not having VR at the moment and using a controller, the controls felt good. There are 4 lanes, and I'm using an XBox layout knock off controller at the moment for my PC, and the keys are D-Pad left, down right for the left side of the track and X, B, A for the right side of the track. That means the D-pad down and right overlap with X and A. That worked out really great in trying to play on controller and also made it feel like what I imagine properly playing drums is like with needing your arms to be independant, and also synchornized and also all over the place to hit the thing you need to hit. For reference here, I have never played actual songs on the drums before, but I have always been interested in the muscisionship side of them.

My final thought of the game is that while it seems like it would be fun to play on a new medium of a controller or in VR with wands, the track list (admitedly played on the difficulty 2 of 3, whatever that is called in this game) seemed like, as a veteran of expert mode in Guitar Hero/Rock Band, an absolutely simple thing to crush with the guitar controller, even adding in the necesscity to strum. I have played other games (shoutout out to Metronomicon on PC) where I changed the control bindings on the keyboard to just mimic a Guitar Hero/Rock Band guitar layout and that massively boosted my performance.

Overall, I will be checking this game out more once I get ahold of a VR headset because I think it will be super fun to play in VR. If I were skilled enough in rhythm games and shooting for score, I think I would just remap the keys to F1234 and hold my keyboard like a guitar to get highscores easily.


SpootyBiscuit is an incredible rhythmn game player. He plays multiple rhythmn games, this is his debut of a non-speedrunable game, there are many Crypt of the NecroDancer runs from him if you want to check them out.

I love all the rhythm game showcases at GDQ and always want to promote not only the player, the game, but also the charity event. I think everyone should check these out!

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

This says it doesn't require VR. I am lucky in this case, and I am about to get gifted a hand-me-down VR set from a friend who is upgrading in a few weeks, so I will get to try it out in VR.

That being said, the track list so far looks awesome. I am a long-time metalhead, so seeing Blind Guardian, Nightwish, and Dragonforce is super exciting to me.

Downloading the demo now to see how it plays without VR, but will be trying it in VR in the future once I finally have a PC VR headset. Currently I only have a PSVR1 and Beat Saber, which doesn't get much use because of there being so many wires on it and cats who want to chew on those wires.

Edit: (Purely from a personal musical preference here) From a metalhead and just loving the music perspective, after playing a bit and looking more at the tracklist/DLC (and also after my early first impression reply below) I am hopefull for this to continue because I want more Blind Guardian and others. I am familiar with Epica and Symphony X and want more of them in here. I have been recently exposed to Alestorm and Gloryhammer and want more of them too. Been intriged by Sabotan for quite a long while and really have no good reason to have not been pursuing their music further like I should have been since I've heard of them (going to rectify this right after I post this), and this game gives me hope that more of these bands that I love will make it into rhtyhm games to gain more exposure, and I will continue to find new awesome \m/ things to listen to.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I will definitely be checking this out and then simultaneously regret and not regret the decision.

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I love Cytus. Same dev also makes Deemo which is also great.

I just started playing Phigros due to a recommendation on this sub. Pretty cool so far!


Cytus II




One of my favorite showcases of rhythm games by Frif at Games Done Quick in 2020.

If you are unfamiliar with GDQ they are a charity speedrunning community. In the past few years they've started including highly technical skilled rhythm games into the rotation that can't necessary been speedran.

There are several more showcases that have happened at GDQ like this, including a new one last month by Frif himself, but this particular one holds a special place in my heart as it's one of the first rhythm games to be included to my knowledge and I keep coming back to it more than any others after all these years.

If you enjoyed this video and want to check out his most recent showcase, check it out here:


New rhythm game in the Squre-Enix world. I played Theatrhythmn 1 and 2 (Final Fantasy and Curtain Call, respectively) quite a bit, and while I personally never played through the Kingdom Hearts series, I'm ecstatic that they are continuing this line of games 9 years later. Check it out!

[–] 9 points 2 years ago

I haven't seen the trailer or played the game myself, but what if what you saw was a small fraction of the experience that is attainable? Wouldn't that be amazing?

The trailer still has to have enough to get people interested, and if it's well made with generous amounts of content it should still keep you amazed and interested.

Again, I don't actually know, but it is on my radar and I have heard good things about this game, so I feel inclined towards the positive outlook in this circumstance.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Lurker checking in

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

They actually call out that the traffic will ebb and flow on a whim in the main post.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I've posted 1/5th as many times as my 11 years on reddit in less than a week on lemmy.

Am I winning?

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