What are the odds that I wanted to write exactly the same?
Hello why are you inside of my brain
Ich weiß selber nicht woher das Meme kommt aber im Prinzip sind es alles nur Wortwitze mit Stör. Aus irgendeinem Grund klingen viele Wörter und Wortteile ähnlich wie Stör und man kann sehr einfach sehr schlechte Wortwitze machen. Im Grunde ist es so was ähnliches wie die Beef Stroganoff Phase
PLEASE tell me there is a community for this specific genre of memes (unrelated text circled with a picture of something that sounds similar). I require more °-°
Ich schon :)
As a student I use Obsidian on my Arch Linux Convertible. It's great for taking general notes during class and I use Excalidraw for doing Chemistry and quick Math notes :). Also good for annotating pdfs. Furthermore I use it for Art ideas, Recipes, Short Notes and all kinds of stuff I want to remember
nah, they're just built different <3
Yes, that was my favourite feature on Boost for Reddit. I would be very happy if it came back :)
Thank :)
Where buy? ◉‿◉
Ich habe es von diesem YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/9rOTQIuKolc?si=VLiCNn62WUdl1PD0 :)