Watch_Dogs was my first platinum on PS3. Everyone was shitting all over the game due to the PC port controversy, but I really enjoyed it. Huge city, different environment, actually good on-foot movement unlike in GTA games, and toooooooons of side stuff to do.
And oh dear, all the hacking stuff was such fun. Yes it was all just one button, but everything was well implemented. The amount of personal details you could pull from phones was amazing. I kept doing it all the time and it wasn't until near the end of the game that they started repeating.
And the trademark unique Ubisoft multiplayer. Shame it didn't have full-blown online mode, I can see myself getting lost in it.
Yea great game. Didn't deserve all the hate unrelated to its actual accomplishments.
I totally do have a mecha bug. I only have an Android TV to emulate on so that's only enough for the first AC but I might give it a shot.
Just a bit above I was praising Watch_Dogs. One of the highlights of that game (or the DLC, dunno anymore) were VR side missions, including one riding a Godzilla-sized mecha spider. Good stuff.