Baroque: possessing a marvellous proof, which the margin of your book is too narrow to contain.
It’s more insidious than dead internet theory. Imagine any significant social media platform containing a large proportion of users that can be directly prompted to tout any message, or mass downvote opinions that the company doesn’t like. All this can happen while the company claims to be a “free speech platform”.
Were you not aware of it at any point? I don’t necessarily mean as part of the GCSE curriculum. I’ve been aware of the Odyssey and the Iliad from the “Ancient Greeks” part of our primary school curriculum back in year 4. Of course we weren’t analysing texts, but I’d expect any ten year old to be capable of rattling off some major plot points like blinding Polyphemus, or sailors plugging their ears with wax against the sirens and tying Odysseus to the mast.
Yeah those 3 years really demonstrate how the myth of “they married young in the past” can’t possibly be a myth.
When talking about a lower bound on something, the only information one can directly infer from the statement “13 is too low” is “any number below 13 is also too low.” If you’re arguing that “13 is too low” implies “16 is too low” then ditto 19, 22, 25. It’s an absurd argument.
Having worked at institutions with “no Friday deadlines” as a rule, but Monday 8/9am deadlines are A-OK, I feel your pain. The “logic” from central management is that us markers don’t have to mark over weekends and have enough time to mark before classes on Wednesday-Friday, but what’s stopping me from just ignoring the assignment marking until Monday?