
joined 2 years ago


Source: https://t.me/Crimeanwind/45249

Translated from source:

Two bulk carriers loaded with grain, coming from Ukraine and Russia, collided in the Sea of Marmara

According to the General Directorate of the Turkish Coast Guard, near the Turkish island of Marmara, the bulk carrier Haje Halimeh, loaded with wheat, traveling from Izmail to Valencia, Spain, and the bulk carrier Asomatos, sailing from the port of Kavkaz (Krasnodar Territory) to Ashdod (Israel), collided. There was also grain on board.

The first bulk carrier is 122 meters long and flies under the flag of the Comoros Islands, the second is 169 meters long and flies under the flag of Panama.

“The vessels suffered material damage. During the inspections, no human casualties, injuries or environmental pollution were found,” writes the Turkish resource Kalem.


Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/bqqd5q.mp4

Source: https://twitter.com/DamianDuda17/status/1712515066036191316?s=20

Source: https://t.me/combatfootageua/8223

🔴Не впустив - не піднімай!

Польський бойовий медик Даміан Дуда, показав "сувенір" який знайшли його бійці на "нулі".

"Це один з багатьох імпровізованих зарядів, з якими ми стикаємося, працюючи в окопах на передовій. Тут видно винахідливість та досвід ворога."

🔴If you don't drop it, don't pick it up!

Polish combat medic Damian Duda, shows a "souvenir" found by his soldiers at ground "zero".

"This is one of the many improvised charges we come across while working in the trenches on the front line. It shows the ingenuity and experience of the enemy."


Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/6ro3x2.mp4

Source: https://t.me/ukr_sof/781

⚡ Avdiyivka: during the day, soldiers of the SSO destroyed 8 units of heavy equipment and dozens of occupiers

On the third day, the attention of Ukrainians was focused on the situation in the Avdiiv region, where the enemy intensified offensive actions. However, the Defense Forces foiled the plans of the determined enemy, repelled all attacks and held their positions.

SSO soldiers were among the first to enter the battle. As of now, in the course of successfully conducted ambushes, raids and successful work of the crews of the shock air defense systems of the 3rd SSO regiment, the following have been destroyed:

– five tanks

  • one BMP

  • one armored personnel carrier

-one armored car "Tiger"

  • dozens of units of the enemy's manpower

Soldiers of the SSO once again remind the occupiers: do not try to step on Ukrainian land, otherwise it will burn under your feet!

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