Yes, you prefer your James Bond chessmater plan than facts.
- Russian: fighting an armed country and fueled by NATO members
- Israel: fighting. I mean BOMBING from their heated offices, civil without shoes and haven't sleep for 2weeks
Oh and between, Russia has been cut off from SWIFT, assets frozen if not stolen, etc etc... Israel? freepass
You can't make more cynical, and binary treatment, you can't
“I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, (a) permanent ceasefire, with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the state of Israel,
This is pretty clear to me. this fallacy of saying "destroying the state of Israel", which is
- impossible - this a high-end military state
- this is Israel which is fucking destroying palestine, there is no more factual than this.
- hamas* or whatever you call it today is just "replying" to this fact
As far as I know, this is not Israeli which get their water/food/electricity/movement/borders controlled, this is not Israeli under the bombs, this is not Israeli moving to the south...
So Bernie... we can't even talk kind of chessmaster rhetoric ("ya know, he critics Israel behind"), this is pure cowardice if not dishonesty (by its affiliation)
*cause of course, Isreal is creating generation of - legit - haters
you know, you can add raping babies and eating them in your fairy tales. coward you are !
Are you talking about Tsahal? And what about these girls signing isreali bombs?
and if you think it is fake or AI-fied (nbcnews)
and at least, they do that against a sovereign and military state - and West providing ammunition and weapons.
Israeli is really a piece of shit!
Holy molly I feel dirty, suddenly. , I misread your comment, my bad. The BS argument is about "radicalization" , of course. People seeing their relatives, friends and weak (children) getting killed is just fuel for outrage and punishment..
yeah yeah it's complex. Apartheid in South Africa, Nazism was also rocket science.
I don't mind downloading stuff (ie from steam) on PC as this device is multitasking but for a gaming console aka "appliance", I expect a plug n play approach. and when i speak about streaming, I mean, plug n play, no downloading time and minimized loading (between 5 to 10sec max).
It makes sense. thanks
Again, you are ignoring the context. This is not Hamas - or whatever you call it today - a population is getting decimated on a faster pace right now! 7 Oct was tragic (still, not everything has been investigated yet and we know Israeli's trend to inflate shit) but it CAN'T be drawn as a sacred milestone which could erase all the previous and atrocious forfeits, should I say "crimes", committed by Israel.