I'm out of the loop; what happened??
I'm out of the loop; what happened??
I'm out of the loop; what happened??
Sounds like how the people of Palestine feel all the time.
I used to do Renaissance Faires.
"Wild Mountain Thyme" was the song the entire cast sang together at the end of each day, my first year.
It hits me like a truck every time.
So why do so many keep dying?
Because these deaths are caused by murderous assholes with over-inflated egos and immunity to consequences. ACAB.
Best Jeanist approves this message.
I stand corrected.
The irony of the title is still true, though.
All 13 of Erebus's Black Crusades aren't better. >..>
The Horus Heresy. When you see what the Emperor's vision actually was, and really get to compare it to the galaxy they got, it's just... so much worse. And the galaxy is pretty goddamn bad to begin with. But you know there's a special place at the very bottom of hell for Erebus.
Magnus did nothing wrong and Russ has fleas.
If rich people weren't hoarding functionally all of the world's wealth, we wouldn't need their goddamn charity. They don't deserve praise for pissing into fires they started.