I'm not sure about Valheim, but I can vouch that No Man's Sky runs well on Steam Deck.
That, and remove the 3 vids of what I searched for, then 3 vids of whatever the fuck, then shorts thay may or may not be related.
I can finally get the Kroos pots I missed last year lol
Oh, fuck off. I'm not one to root my phone, but you own the damn thing. Once it's in your hands, the maker should have no right to tell you what to do with it.
Hey, Arknights, stop posting things when I'm about to go to bed kthxbai
Received an RG35xx last week, and I've been playing so much Pokemon Crystal Clear on it, it's been so fun.
I caved, I did a few rolls. Didn't get her, but finally got Akafuyu in addition to an Exusiai pot.
Already gotten those, lol
Aaaaaaa I need Pot6 Blemi, but I need to save for her sister and Monster Hunter. Surely, getting the 5*+ won't hurt, right?
The models are super nice looking.
Also I love that is is PoV.
I'm an absolute sucker for vapourwave aesth-my bad,【aesthetics】, so I LOVE the imagery lol.
Thanks! Updated the post with the archive link.