70 wpm: physical keyboard on mobile (blackberry clone)
It's a bot.
A quick google translate shows:
Hello! My name is Akihisa Ito, also known as ap12, and I run the criminal organization "Kuroneko Server"! ! ! The criminal organization "Kuroneko Server" to which I belong contributes to society every day! We operate VOICEVOX reading bot and VOICEROID reading bot, collect messages and members' personal information collected via bot, and sell it to hackers!
How did you screenshot a dirty screen?
I do enjoy her work. She's also won some awards too.
for the lazy: https://www.youtube.com/@morgandrinkscoffee
This reeks ChatGPT written
you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2.
haha, does that look funny to you?
It depends on the situation. In my previous job, all of my coworkers knew. Management had no clue. They were all supportive and helped be a reference. In another previous job (long before my last one), I would apply to jobs after work hours and "book" doctors/dentist/car mechanic appointments to do the interviews.
I never ran into gossips, so I've no advice for that.
I own the Titan Slim. I have an odd need for the physical keyboard.
Might want to look into Unihertz. Specifically: https://www.unihertz.com/products/jelly-star
3 inch screen.
I haven't played Starfield myself, but from my understanding the gameplay is: Skyrim in space. Which to me, is "Most recycled gameplay"
obligatory: "you just got by a driving passed soldier a hemi"