Do you have plans to upload the app to F-droid?
Well, I'm not very good with Doom, but as far as I know it's heavily focused on Evil-mode. So maybe you should try some different version? Maybe vanilla or Spacemacs (with normal keybindings, you can choose it at first start).
Why you want to use Emacs without Evil? Do you want to learn default keys? If that's the case, then use Vanilla or maybe prelude
Just side note: I'm heavily use Emacs about 10 years and only since last year I started to learn some Emacs defaults keybindings, before that I used only evil-mode and was 100% happy. Emacs - it's all about customization, if you comfortable with evil keys, just use it.
Also, there is Meow it's some kind of evil, but with different keys inspired by Kakoune. It preserve most of Emacs keys, so it's much less intrusive. I move to Meow from Evil about month ago without any problem.
I use languages: Go, Python, Bash, Groovy, Rust
All I need is: Lsp-mode (+ language specific checker), dap-mode (for live debugging), -mode. That's all I need.
language-mode can be installed with package-install
Sometimes it needs some configuration, but in general it's not that hard.
Well, it depends.
I have to use vim/vi at regular basis on remote hosts.
After 8+ years of using Emacs I've conclude:
- If Emacs keys => reassign Ctrl to Caps Lock
- If Vim keys => sometimes Emacs arised somewhere, so you have to know at least base of it. I set Emacs keys in Insert mode of Evil-mode, works fine.
- Additional mode keybindings that loaded after all other modes and provide my most used keybindings.
- Escape quits
Offcourse I can't hide my config :-) since init.el demonstration already part of emacsers culture :-)
Another questions about plans :-) :
Do you have plans to add: