I'd love to know the technical reasoning for this. It probably has to do with clock frequency multipliers like when doing serial comms your baud needs to be pretty close to the spec but it's pretty much never going to be exact.
That would come under "Electric power tools" with the same restrictions.
Yeah in Melbourne several years back we had a heat wave that fucked up a bunch of the train tracks.
Isn't the thunk-thunk as you're travelling the wheels of the carriage passing over the expansion joints?.
That's 1440p, awesome! The image attached to this post is only 720p. Thanks mate!
Any chance I could have a higher-res copy? Would love to use this as my wallpaper :)
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Parents for MP3 expired in 2017
Ooh how's Project Hail Mary? It's somewhere towards the top of my list, but BrandoSando is bringing out another book in a couple weeks and I'm trying to work my way through Wheel of Time (gosh the first book is awful).
Yeah that's The Hobbit. Terribly done movies. They took a great book that's half the size of one of the books from the LotR trilogy and stretched it into three feature-length films by adding a bunch of nonsense.
I'm on chapter ~130. It's great. Feels like less of a sanderlanch than Rhythm of War to me though.