Average Richard
Wait. Do progressives seriously think that going fascist lite wasn’t the right thing to do in this last election? What the fuck are they smoking.
This person probably should stay away from the incredible game “Subnautica”.
I went to school in Oklahoma and we learned about the Trail of Tears and the burning of Black Wall Street. I don’t think they were highlighted like they should have been. It wasn’t visceral. But the facts were taught.
I can’t imagine that happening now there.
Good looking cast iron
I have nothing but distain for the mother fucker. But I think people like him for the same reasons they like Trump. He had panache.
Is this an indoor pig? And what will his maximum weight be? Does he cuddle?
This is a very cute cat
I’ve been making homemade atole lately and I think I like it better than horchata. Same sort of spice mix just with some fucking masa as well. It is incredible. It replaced egg nog for me this holiday season.
I guess workers are going to have to take things into their own hands again.
My sister has an English bulldog like that. Dense. But he is dumb as a rock. Inbreeding doesn’t do an animal good.