This photo being in B&W makes it look older than it is
Clarkson, May, and Hammond make their second EV
You get what you pay for high end printers
Ya, you have to be careful with printing over WiFi. Robust DNS and static IP's can help a lot.
In my years of IT, I saw a few customers do this. I always put the printers on WiFi so they could move the printer to wherever they wanted it.
Cheese pizza is my most eaten food this year. Second, bologna sandwiches.
I also drink tons of Arizona green tea and Half&half.
That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing!
The tiger is in an enclosure that put shade behind him. I just took the pic at the right time with how the sun was positioned. I did use a mask in Lightroom to get the tiger to pop a bit but it's a pretty light touch.
This is definitely true, but not an unpopular opinion.
Maybe we should stop asking people their residence to get on the ballot. Before you know it people will just start writing in "prison"
This sounds like an ad