Reminds me when bioware put out a poll asking if mass effect 3s extended cut met expectations.
Yes.. Yes it did. I expected it to be a bit meh and that's exactly what I got.
"look they love it!"
Reminds me when bioware put out a poll asking if mass effect 3s extended cut met expectations.
Yes.. Yes it did. I expected it to be a bit meh and that's exactly what I got.
"look they love it!"
Emulators are not illegal. Fuck off Nintendo.
Should all children who are groomed and exploited be cast out? Or just those children who are groomed and exploited in specific ways?
Maybe we should send Iran hundreds of ballistic missiles.
they could carpet bomb the entire place, who will stop them?
They want to make it look as little as a genocide as possible. Gotta keep those billions of USD coming. $$$$
Civilian deaths are inevitable when militants hide under hospitals and shoot from schools. It’s on Hamas and their militants.
I suppose that nobody would be being attacked from hospitals and schools if Israel wasnt in the area. Attacking those places is a choice. Choices have consequences.
There are roads only Jews can use? That’s a myth.
A myth you say?
At the end of the day. It's all fucked. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Israel. It's the Palestinian people suffering through all this fuckery.
At 00:45 the statue looks like its dabbing.
Gofundme might work better than the Gofuckyourself we have been doing so far.
I really hate shoes with pointy ends. It squeezes your big toe out of shape and can give you bunions.
Gold and T makes me think of Mr T tbh.
Fuck that guy in the meme.
I mean.. Wooden satellites or no, it's still polluting space if it it doesn't deorbit within a reasonable time frame.
The pollutants generated upon reentry are a drop in the ocean compared to big oil and Taylor swift.
More people should try DP.