Definitely recommend brother. No fuss, just works.
It just feels wrong, and I can’t quite explain why.
It's essentially throwing a slab of meat into an arena and watching the starved poors fight to the death over it, then watching while you're served the equivalent of thanksgiving dinner by your butler/maids in a safe climate controlled room.
There comes a point where "philanthropy" simply becomes rich people making games for the poors to win a "prize" and seeing how they react for their own entertainment rather than any sort of benevolence. The lambo example seems pretty much spot on for that.
I think it's just because most players tend to be good at micro, but not so much macro.
Having a set "build" takes the macro thought of your item choice out of the equation so they can focus on their micro. The thing is though, you can easily make up for subpar micro with good macro. Picking the best items for a given situation, even if they aren't necessarily "meta" is incredibly important and something most players just don't feel like mastering.
They make far more money on margins for their tightly controlled parts doing the repairs themselves in house than letting independant repair shops do it for them. There's a very clear reason why companies like apple/john deere are so anti right to repair. They make shitloads off of being the place to go to "repair" your device at an insane markup(to discourage repair in the first place.) And if you don't like it, you can just buy a new one of their products. So they win either way.
Letting independant repair shops replace a chip for a couple bucks in parts andmaybe $50-$100 in labor absolutely eats into their margins and they see none of that money. It's a big reason why they control their supply chain so tightly and do stupid things like serializing parts and programming/pairing parts together. So other shops can't do the repairs they themselves can do.
Hopefully not soon, but probably once Gabe is gone if i had to guess.
If steam goes public, might as well start packing the bug out bag because shit is going to go south real quick.