Yeah, wasn't this the whole point of capitalism or something? If you can't compete in the free market then gtfo and all that
Have you ever heard of Brock Turner, or maybe Johnny Depp? Good luck getting any women to go near you though.
Besides, these sentences are insane in general and modern first world societies (meaning not the US) do not focus on punishing people like we do. They focus on rehabilitation because it's a service to society, because they actually give a shit about their societies. So the fact that anyone can think that fifteen years of being locked in a cage getting angrier and angrier with no psych help and shit for healthcare "isn't enough," really says something about the people who endorse that.
Thank you, someone in these comments who's rational and not just out for blood ffs
She gets to have a life after those 8 years.
Having a life after a criminal conviction in the US is not a thing.
What does calling the cops on neighbors have to do with a manslaughter trial though. There can be people who have a legitimate reason to do that, and then there's those people who are calling the cops every other day, but it doesn't specify. It's just kind of comical that that would be used to somehow legitimate a completely unrelated manslaughter conviction.
Absolutely. There has to be some little glimmer of already wanting to quit for them to take the help seriously. I would absolutely recommend AlAnon as well. You can't just force someone into treatment, and that's pretty much what interventions try to do, on top of making the person feel guilt and shame which likely is why they drink in the first place. Being able to have a one on one, calm conversation about how the person is affecting themselves and others is probably a good route, because people often do not recognize they have a problem in the first place. It would not be surprising for it to end with the person getting angry and storming out, but it plants the seed in a more reasonable way than having everyone they know cornering them, humiliating them, and saying "go to rehab now or we never speak to you again."
Source: in recovery, worked in the field.
They're either far-right/"both sides," or tankies defending China when no one even mentioned it.
I just noticed the other day that when I clicked on a seat I wanted, it took me to another page where it had a toggle to turn on "show ticket prices with fees included." I bet that's how they get around that. I even thought when I saw it how shady that is because it only shows up after you've already found a seat you're interested in, but you're not quite at the checkout yet. It somehow makes it worse because it's so fucking blatant.
Bing has honestly been a lot better for me than google. I refused to use it for so long because it was just a joke when it first came out. But I started not being able to find any decent search results on google and the entire first page is now ads versus just the first few results. Bing also has an AI thing that will just give you a straight answer to a question and links to where it found it. I'd say to give it a try.
It's really disingenuous to compare US-only data to unrelated generalizations of other countries that function under different cultural and economic systems. But I feel like you already know that.
Proletariat revolution only works when all or most people are on board. One or a few people doing it will just land them in jail basically. This system is structured so that if we do something like that, we will be on the street within a month or two and not be able to care for our families. Please don't make assumptions about the situations that millions of Americans are trapped in. Especially if it is not something you've lived under yourself, or aren't formally educated in. They don't call it "manufactured consent" for nothing. We're born into it and we have to participate in it if we want to survive. Literally.
Nobody really cared about the long term impacts of hurricane Katrina, and the rich just used it to privatize a bunch of shit, and then they got richer. I wish something like that would be enough to make people give a shit, but we've just been there before.