I've been using connect and it's pretty great!
I much prefer digital. However, I don't have a lot of space, and my local library has a much bigger digital selection that physical. Plus when I go backpacking I can take an obscene amount of books with me on my Kobo vs physical books.
He was huge! and only 18 months old in this picture!
All dogs are lap dogs! My Great Dane was the best couch cuddler.
I don't think that's a healthy way to be.
My Daughter has lost 8 teeth so far(she is 7) and we give her a toonie($2) per tooth. However, when she lost two in one day(she was really nervous about losing the second one so I said "the more teeth under the pillow the better the bounty from the fairy" we gave her $5).
She is a light sleeper, so we worried, but kids even the light sleepers sleep through things like quietly reaching under their pillow. If they do start to wake up, just give them a kiss and say you wanted a midnight kiss.
For one tooth we forgot and she woke up at 4:45 in the morning and checked to find her tooth there and we calmed her down and said she must be at the end of the tooth fairys loop tonight, and she would be fine but she had to go back to sleep so the tooth fairy could do it! Then when I was tucking her back in I quickly swapped the tooth for the coin and she didnt even notice until she woke up.
Also always have the coin/money on hand. My wife usually carries the cash and we were camping without my wife and my daughter lost her tooth, thank goodness my parents were there and had cash!
I would just like to see more games be a bit friendlier with settings. Give me some real potato settings or focus a bit more on optimization so I can play stuff without having to futz with settings so much.
Nope. They had anti cheat that supported it, but they experienced higher issues with cheating via linux than elsewhere. Which sucks. People who cheat suck.
It is still a loss for linux gamers.
Dump configs to backup drive. Pray to the machine spirit that things don't blow up. Only update when I remember. I'm a terrible admin for my own stuff.
I've always loved the idea of this game but always struggled with it. But in feel like playing with friends would make a difference.
I tried and disliked both of those. They worked fine they just felt bad. Bad to digging around for clients.