Captcha is mandatory.
Hence, avoid the link is mandatory.
Captcha is mandatory.
Hence, avoid the link is mandatory.
It is, actually. The reason:
Chat Control is a temporary measure (on paper, we’ll see how that actually shakes out)
Little by little, we're loosing ground. Temporary often means permanent. They'll go with bullshit like "the measure has been proven very effective, we decided to make it permanent for [insert here emotional reasons]" (this is for the media) and then show some biased data.
This is the same as asking "what's the safest way to go out on the street?". Who? Where? When? For how long?
CTRL+F, "linux", 1 of 1 match. Tails and QubesOS are mentioned, but Linux as an OS recommendation is nowhere to be found.
I read the entire thing tho. It's good, and I know it's a security manual, but I'm concerned about some choices privacy wise (Google Chrome, Wickr, iMessage, Wire...).
My favourite one is Dolphin but I don't think it can be called "the best". Nemo would be my first option but since I'm using KDE Plasma, Dolphin is my choice for UI consistency.
It definitively opened my mind 👍🏼
I didn't read every comment but I didn't see a single racist one. Probably because they aren't. You're wasting your time, and wasting everyone else's. Advice: stop seeing racism everywhere.
On the other hand, it's a shame that people don't trust this open source initiative.
Awesome list.
Am I the only one who hates when someone links to a link that links to another link? People are so lazy.
Anyway, I mostly agree with the article. But this:
The ads look extremely similar to regular threads
This is how ads should look like. They don't "break" the site, they don't look like an intruder, they're perfectly embeded within the web's design.
KDE Plasma. Unless you're a keyboard heavy user, there's no reason not choosing it. It's the overall winner hands down.
I disapprove what the IMF is saying and I hope it'll never be a thing, but this is far from stupid. It's actually genius.
The UBI is a huge unnecessary expense in developed countries and an impossibility in developing countries. It is a terrible idea, especially if the aim is to have quality public services. In addition, it can discourage active job search and/or the inability to hire someone. On top of that, the market would simply adapt to this measure by raising prices.
To get out of poverty, stop drowning people in taxes, allow a wide contractual freedom and above all, eliminate the privileges of some oligopolies by completely withdrawing patents (like closed source software) and eliminating millionaire subsidies. In this way, the playing field is balanced by introducing more competition and allowing wages to rise where they need to rise.