
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Jeg bruker Sparebank 1 Østlandet. Mest fordi jeg har brukt dem hele livet og aldri hatt noen stor grunn til å bytte.

Etisk bankgudie er en fantastisk ressurs for alle som vurderer å bytte bank. Cultura er klart mest etisk, men man må være villig til å gå litt all in.

Ellers er Sparebanken Vest, Sparebank 1 Østlandet, og Storebrand brukbare. SpareBank 1 SMN kommer verst ut.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

The link to https://www.teslatakedown.com/ is broken - try to add https://! :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Jeg er ganske ivrig europeer - jeg har bodd i forskjellige land i Europa i en årrekke, jeg jobber fulltid med EU, mange av vennene mine jobber også fulltid med EU.

Jeg er stor tilhenger av EØS, men også stor tilhenger av å bruke vetoretten vi har i EØS mer aktivt. Postdirektivet, for eksempel, skulle aldri ha vært innført i Norge etter min mening.

Jeg ville ikke stemt for norsk medlemskap i EU om det var valg i dag. Til dels EØS er en rimelig god deal for oss, så jeg ser ingen grunn til å endre kurs. Det vi mangler i representasjon i Brussel kan vi veie opp for med myk makt og nasjonal selvråderett - samt mer aktiv bruk av vetoretten når nødvendig.

Til dels er jeg skeptisk til Norsk EU-medlemskap fordi jeg tror både Norge og Europa kan oppnå mer med Norge på utsiden. Norsk diplomati står ganske sterkt i global sammenheng, som vi har sett for eksempel i fredsprosessen Colombia. Noe av grunnen til dette er så klart at vi har dyktige og tålmodige diplomater, men det hjelper også at vi er relativt blokkuavhengige. Vi kan møte opp til forhandlingsbordet ikke som en del av EU, men som et selvstendig land som ikke er formelt tilknyttet Frankrike eller Tyskland eller andre land som potensielt har kompliserte forhold med forhandlingsparter internasjonalt.

Det er viktig for meg at vi fortsetter å være del av Schengen, at vi bidrar til Europeisk forsvarssamarbeid om det skulle bli aktuelt, og at vi fortsetter å være tett økonomisk knyttet opp mot Europa. Men alt dette kan vi oppnå uten fullt medlemskap.

Også er jeg fra en familie av bønder. Jeg ville blitt arveløs om noen fant ut at jeg var tilhenger av Norge inn i EU.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

That said, I guess people living in countries where the government is prone to censorship might do well to use smaller instances than lemmy.world, as they are more likely to fly under the radar.

Or just switch to a smaller instance if lemmy.world does get blocked, I guess.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

All hat and no cattle. Empty threats and empty promises.

America has always been susceptible to bullshit artists and snake oil salesmen. Of course it had to end like this.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 days ago (2 children)

FediLab is the app I know of that aims to support the most fediverse services. They claim to support Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, and Pixelfed. You could try to sign in with Sharkey as well, who knows.

I use https://phanpy.social/ with Pixelfed and Mastodon, and it works quite well with the two. I believe other services are also supported, but I have not tested it myself. :)

[–] [email protected] 20 points 5 days ago

For the curious:

Tatra 97

It had a boxer engine in the rear, just like the Beetle. The Beetle was designed by Ferdinand Porche, the T97 by Hans Ledwinka. Ledwinka served five years in prison in Czechoslovakia after the war for collaboration with German occupation forces.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 5 days ago (3 children)

One has to imagine the colours.

Striking red banners, green leaves, probably very colourful cars. Funky traditional hats catering to the traditionalists. Colours, modernity, tradition, everything in one spectacle. And then there's the music on top of it.

This was not some dark black & white event - it was joyful and colourful, and an ignorant observer would easily get sucked into the optimism of it all.

Today's nazis have what, frog memes, doge, and whatever the fuck this is?

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Really good write-up.

RE: Too many cooks:

And that means people who are more likely to be harassed also end up having to do more of the work to prevent harassment.

This is true and a genuine problem, but also a lot better than the alternative, which is the commercial platforms where nobody gives a shit about them and they are harassed on a daily basis with nothing much they can do about it.

On Twitter, community notes were hailed as a success for giving the Community an entirely toothless form of moderation. On the Fediverse, the community has been given real teeth.

RE: Guilt by association

This has happened with several beneficial alternative technologies in the past, such as peer-to-peer file sharing, the dark web and end-to-end encryption.

Nice reminder to spread the word about the wonders of P2P, Tor, and E2EE. Some people will always believe in the propaganda of the capitalists and the authoritarians seeking to undermine these technologies, but they are all very much alive and well, and I think most people are fine with the ideas of having their nude selfies or whatever protected under E2EE.

Likewise, for sure Elon Musk will try to tell people the fediverse is full of pedos. Coming from him, that puts us in the same club as that diver who saved a bunch of children in a cave in Thailand. So in that sense I guess the point about commercial capture is more relevant: I'm more worried when people like Musk pretend to be our friends. But in all honesty, I'm not very worried about that either. I still rock an entirely independent e-mail provider, even after everything Microsoft and Google has done to undermine that technology.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 days ago

We have all these ideas about universal human rights, and we are trying to wish them into existence. So we teach them to children as if they are something they should believe already exists, not as it's an ideal we are working towards.

I think the idea is that it will make people more protective of human rights, but the flip side is that people seem very reluctant to see the cracks in the fiction they have been sold. And then when/if they realize the state of the world they often become jaded, acting as if the realization that it's all a fake construct is somehow the greatest insight on earth.

And then, if they're good people, they start working to make the fiction just a little bit more real.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

If we want to talk about why European countries have blood on their hand we could keep going all day.

I'd push back a little against the notion that nobody cares. You don't have many (any?) political allies who are willing to stand up against dictatorships and let go of their cheap oil supplies, but you do have people and organizations who care.

The International Criminal Court did, among other things, issue an arrest warrant on Netanyahu. I think we have managed to establish international law, but not yet international justice. As a result it's easy to give up and consider it all to be false promises and lies, and to a degree that's not entirely wrong. But I nevertheless believe that current-day international law is the greatest achievement we have made since the second world war, and establishing international law is the fundamental first step towards international justice.

I have a lot of friends working for various international organizations, and while it's one hell of an uphill battle, I can assure you that there are people out there working tirelessly to try to make a change. And despite everything, most European countries are still supportive of the ICC and in favour of establishing an international legal order.

If we want to be hopeful about Europe, it has to be judged by it's commitment to that promise, and not by the corrupt, narcissistic, or plain moronic leaders who are way too frequently put in charge.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Ah, well, fuck. Then I don't really have a positive spin on it.

Maybe the US crashing and burning will at least limit US influence on the Arab world, opening at least a slight hope for improvements in the region in the long run. It's a weird world - yesterday it was Europe and the US against the rest, today Europe stands alone and Russia is paralysed in Syria. Maybe tomorrow we'll see genuine alliances between Europe and countries in the Arab world that are not entirely built around exploitation and sucking up to dictators.

Maybe. But I'm not holding my breath.

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