That sounds like a great book, if only I new what it was called.
Well put. It's important to learn from history
Go to the Winchester, grab a nice cold pint and wait for this all to blow over.
That's not entirely true. There's still good sci-fi being made. Look at the expanse, dark, altered carbon.
I dont know much about newer books, but I m sure there's good scifi writers out there still. What comes to mind is ready player one, red rising, pines, although these are all 10 years old by now. It illustrates that it's not just the era of Heinlein and Asimov that counts.
Agreed. Still gonna watch it though. Not because it's good, but because it's so easy.
That's just EUFI, isn't it?
Don't be so dismissive. This kind of humour is an acquired taste. It's actually an official subgenre of funny cartoons called "un"-funnjy cartoons
Ik vind dit geen slecht plan. Ik kom uit een boerenfamilie, maar ben zelf geen boer geworden. Ik zal uiteindelijk wel een keer het land gaan erfen (aangezien Ik er nu al woon en al een deel bezit). Er moet dan iets gebeuren met het land. Voor nu wordt er nog op geboert, maar als dat niet meer zo is, is dit imho een beter optie dan het verkopen voor woningbouw ofzo.
In Dutch, we call your country "White-Russia". I don't know why.
Edit because I figured out why: In Russian "belaja" means white
They're making a whole lot of green energy. They moved entire villages to build solar farms. This will put them back in place with the US
Ah nice. That's already on my list. I did see the Netflix series.