Well deserved! Wonder how much server time that pays for?
~60yo in photo What did this guy do in his twenties? Unholy pacts?
Why's their aesthetics the same as my ac filrers??
If you steal from thieves, are the goods no longer stolen?
Personally I hear it had been a mixed bag. Hopefully time has refined this... Old stories about digging up old LOS images, bare minimal patches, and release under e branding with no consideration for security/hardening. Buuut that was info from a grapheneos vs eos forum, or something. Do your research, you know what sub you're in.
Side gig you said it yourself this is why they're going to be a thousand and one shitty dating apps they all want money they all devolve to the same thing
Sumo cakes Sauint
Delta8 was great if you could find anything of quality. Just enough head high but same body buzz as conventional, and can even be made from cheap bulk cbd and acid IN A LAB. Too much money in legalizing/taxing conventional bud though. At least done states have D9 at comparable rates
Hey, a hockey st-COCK-...-ITS GOT BALLS-....corvid.jay.jpg
Red and blue shoving the revolving door faster and faster... man blender or infant crushing machine?
Look east to look into the future! No, not Europe or Asia, see Russia...
The great Waffle House Cave Canary is distressed