Excellent news. Please feel free to stick a finger up at Preston as/if you pass. It is sort of a tradition.
Safe travels!
Excellent news. Please feel free to stick a finger up at Preston as/if you pass. It is sort of a tradition.
Safe travels!
Is the West Coast Mainline open yet? They closed it after the storm and replacement buses are a nightmare.
Robinson is of mixed-race heritage. He describes his background as "half Afro-Caribbean and half English"
Technically he's British. He's from Nottingham.
He's just drawn to places where being a throbber is considered ok.
Being old.
I used to be able to sleep endlessly.
Now I find myself awake early in the morning, despite having gone to bed rather late. And I'd like to go back to sleep but I can't.
I miss it.
And this isn't even about needing to get up to pee. That's apparently something I still have to look forward to.
I will follow you into battle.
That's not how you hold a pencil. A decent education would have taught you that.
We are currently witnessing falling numbers in the primary phase
So there's no population boom.
Most of this article is talking about a speculative boom that might happen and what that could mean.
Meanwhile all of the current problems are attributed to not enough staff and chronic underfunding.
What an awful shitty article posing as journalism.
Ok, not preaching here... Just sharing something that helped me.
I was "terminally online".
It got me down.
What I found out was that staying well informed doesn't mean keeping up to date with what is happening at this very moment. It means learning all the wonderful things from history.
Well informed means learning, right?
There are so many brilliant things you can learn right now. And they'll all make you a better, more useful, citizen.
Learn how to paint. Learn photography. Learn why the Japanese like squid. Learn cockney rhyming slang. Learn about Egypt's history with gold. Learn it all. That's also staying well informed.
News is such a small part of being human.
I don't want to spend time painting that for reasons.
Start with The Witcher 3 and head back to 2.