Then why do you report me so much? And why all the fake calling me out for "ban evasion."
You know, you could just block me. That way I don't get the "attention" you think I crave. AND you won't have to see my posts.
This is off-subject though. Let's stick to commenting about the article.
Thanks, friend!
But you just said you never said you hated me? And if I am so hated, then people could just block me and not see my posts, right?
And if I'm the most hated person in the fediverse, then why would I choose my same username to ban evade!? Seems pretty easy to catch me for ban evading if I'm so infamous. Right?
Funny how your account is only 9 days old, yet you seem to know all this info about me. Which is about when all the most recent fake accounts of me started popping up. Care to explain?