That's not true. It depends on the codecs both devices use. But regardless, I mostly listen to podcasts and my hearing is by far the limiting factor in audio quality.
After experiencing true wireless ear buds, I'm never going back. Yeah no thanks, I don't want to be literally tethered to my phone.
I don't know, maybe, maybe not. But in my hypothetical, at least trump would be dealing with someone who has a mandate, rather than someone who has one foot out the door. It's a terrible bargaining position to be in.
But like I said, that's moot if the winds are shifting. I put a gigantic IF in front of my statement for a reason.
If the conservatives winning is a foregone conclusion, I'd rather have them in power now where they can mount a credible response to trump than in the summer.
But if these polls are to be believed, maybe it's not so foregone after all. Three more months of trump opening his mouth might actually be enough to sour people on Pierre
Element (over the Matrix protocol). As someone who grew up on IRC, it is in no shape or form a replacement for Discord.
That was before the great maple syrup heist of '12. The strategic reserves have never recovered.
There were multiple people confirming it. Meta can change things on their end at a moments notice. If you read the rest of the thread you'd see that the term you searched for is working again, but there are others that still aren't.
In Canada, after that image is plastered everywhere? I sure as hell hope it hurts him.
Yeah the giant cats are satisfactory. It's honestly even more terrifying:
Just noticed the smirk on Dr Rosenberg.
You vastly overestimate the average person's technical ability.
Ok... Don't think I said they couldn't?